Smart Cityₛₘ
Our integrated framework provides services and solutions to city manager offices and city councils to help them optimize their resources and deliver greater value to their community. Our modular framework consists of key value creation areas, inputs, activities, and outputs/outcomes. Through each module we apply our systematic approach consisting of: Understanding, Implementation, Consistency, and Measurement.
Smart Cityₛₘ: Integrated Modular Framework
Built by Professionals, for Professionals
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A Glimpse into Our Growth
Smart Cityₛₘ framework inquiries
Indicative areas of consideration.
When was your last strategic plan developed or updated?
Are your city’s strategic goals clearly articulated and understood by all departments?
What mechanisms are in place to ensure that your strategic goals are consistently communicated to all stakeholders?
What systems do you have in place to ensure effective monitoring and evaluation of strategic execution?
Is your current organizational structure conducive to achieving the city’s strategic goals?
What pathways do you offer for professional growth and development for your employees?
Are your current leadership development programs focused on promoting diversity and inclusion at all levels?
How are your leadership roles defined, and what is process do you use for developing new leaders within the city?
What external services are delivered to the community, and how do they align with community expectations?
What internal services are provided by the city, and how are they aligned with your strategic priorities?
How do you procure third-party vendors?
Are there any gaps in your data collection process, and how are these gaps impacting your decision-making?
How is data collected across departments, and how is it standardized for consistency and accuracy across the city?
What are the core technologies used by the city to enhance operational efficiency, and how are they integrated across yours and others departments?
How are equity tools incorporated into onboarding processes and training programs for your employees, and how frequently are employees required to engage with these tools?
Is there a formal structure in place to promote data-driven decision-making within leadership teams, and how is success measured in this area?
How does you ensure that transparency and accountability are upheld in both the collection of data and the delivery of services?
How does the organizational culture support cross-departmental collaboration, and how are silos avoided to ensure a cohesive approach to city management?
What immediate outcomes have been achieved as a result of your recent initiatives?
Are long-term outcomes measurable and in line with your vision for the future?